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1.     With a neat diagram, explain the structure of a DBMS.

2.     What is data integrity? Explain the types of integrity constraints.

3.     Explain 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and BCNF with suitable example.

4.     What are the pitfalls in relational database design? With a suitable example, explain the role of functional dependency in the process of normalization.

5.     Construct an E-R diagram for a car-insurance company whose customers own one or more cars each. Each car has associated with it zero to any number of recorded accidents. State any assumptions you make.

6.     Discuss Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form, and explain why 5NF?

7.     What is a view? How can it be created? Explain with an example.

8.     Write short notes on the following:
Data Manipulation Language (DML), Data Definition Language (DDL)
Transaction Control Statements (TCS),Data Control Language (DCL)

9.     Discuss normalization?

10.                        Define relational database query?

11.                        Define a Transaction? List the properties of transaction?

12.                        Discuss different phases of transaction?

13.                        Discuss recoverable schedules?

14.                        What is business intelligence?Describe the BI framework.

15.                        What are the most relevant differences between operational and decision support data?

16.                        What is a data warehouse, and what are its main characteristics? How does it differ from a data mart?

17.                        What is OLAP, and what are its main characteristics?

18.                        Explain ROLAP and give the reasons you would recommend its use in the relational database environment.

19.                        Explain the use of facts, dimensions, and attributes in the star schema and explain performance improvement techniques used in star schemas

20.                        Explain some of the most important issues in data warehouse implementation.

21.                        How does data mining work? Discuss the different phases in the data-mining process.

22.                        Describe the evolution from centralized DBMSs to distributed DBMSs.

23.                        What are the advantages and disadvantages of the DDBMS?

24.                        Explain the difference between a distributed database and distributed processing.

25.                        What are the components of a DDBMS?

26.                        Explain Different levels of data and process distribution.

27.                        Define and explain the different types of distribution transparency.

28.                        Explain Transaction transparency

29.                        Explain the need for the two-phase commit protocol. Then describe the two phases.

30.                        What is the objective of query optimization functions?

31.                        Explain distributed database design concepts.

32.                        Explain the difference between distributed databases and client/server architecture.

33.                        What is a transaction and Explain its properties?

34.                        Explain about transaction log.

35.                        What is Scheduler and explain its functions?

36.                        What are the difference concurrent control problems? Explain with examples.

37.                        Explain concurrency control with locking method. Explain with examples.

38.                        Explain concurrency control with time stamping method. Explain with examples.

39.                        Explain concurrency control with optimistic method. Explain with examples.

40.                        Explain about Deadlocks.

41.                        Explain different types of locks.

42.                        Explain Two-phase locking method.

43.                        What is Normalization? Explain its advantages.

44.                        Explain INF.

45.                        Explain 2 NF.

46.                        Explain 3 NF.

47.                        Explain BCNF.

48.                        Explain 4 NF.

49.                        Write about Denormalization?

50.                        Explain SDLC in detail.

51.                        Explain DBLC in detail.

52.                        Explain conceptual design in detail.

53.                        List and briefly explain the four steps performed during the logical design stage.

54.                        List and briefly explain the three steps performed during the physical design stage.

55.                        Explain different database design strategies

56.                        Explain basic notations of ER diagram

57.                        What are the different types of Entities?

58.                        Explain different types of Attributes.

59.                        Explain degree of relationships.

60.                        What are the database design challenges?

61.                        What are the disadvantages of File processing?

62.                        What is DBMS? Explain advantages and disadvantages of DBMS.

63.                        What are the different components of DBMS?

64.                        Explain different types of databases.

65.                        Explain Data anomalies.

66.                        What are the functions of DBMS?

67.                        Describe about testing of Serializability.

68.                        Explain the deferred and immediate modification versions of the log based recovery scheme.

69.                        What are different types of schedules are acceptable for recoverability.

70.                        Discuss on strict, two-phase locking protocol and time stamp-based protocol.

71.                        Explain Time stamp-Based Concurrency Control protocol and the modifications implemented in it.

72.                        Describe shadow paging recovery techniques.

73.                        How can you implement atomicity in transactions? Explain.

74.                        Describe the concept of serializability with suitable example.

75.                        How concurrency is performed? Explain the protocol that is used to maintain the concurrency concept. 


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