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1.      What is the full form of MVC

a)      MoveView Control

b)      Multiple View Control

c)      Mode View Control

d)     Model View Control

2.      Who is responsible for managing application data

a)      Model

b)      View

c)      Controller

d)     None

3.      Which directive defines and links an AngularJS application to HTML.

a)      ng-bind

b)      ng-model

c)      ng-app

d)     none

4.      AngularJS expressions are written in

a)      Square brackets

b)      Double quotes

c)      Double brackets

d)     Double braces

5.      AngularJS expressions do not support conditionals, loops, and exceptions

a)      True

b)      False

6.      AngularJS directives are

a)      Extended HTML attributes

b)      HTML elements

c)      Special attributes

d)     None

7.      Data binding in AngularJS is

a)      System

b)      Data abstraction

c)      Data retrieval

d)     Synchronization

8.      Which is the directive that repeats an HTML element

a)      ng-rewind

b)      ng-reload

c)      ng-repeat

d)     none

9.      which method or function is used to create a new directive

a)      .newdirective function

b)      new.directive function

c)      newDirective function

d)     .directive function 

10.  How many built-in services doesAngularJS has.

a)      20

b)      30

c)      50

d)      10

11.  Which directive defines binds the values of AngularJS application data to HTML inputcontrols.

a)      ng-bind

b)      ng-model

c)      ng-app

d)      none

12.  The myCtrl function is a JavaScript function. AngularJS will invoke the controller witha _______object.

a)      $scope

b)      $model

c)      $Myapp

d)      $Ctrl

13.  The _______ directive can provide type validation for application data.

a)      ng-bind

b)      ng-model

c)      ng-app

d)      none

14.  With AngularJS, developer writes less code and gets more functionality.

a)      True

b)      False

15.  In controllers, model data is accessed via $scope object.

a)      True

b)      False

16.  Which of the following is true about $invalid flag?

a)      $invalid flag states that value has been changed.

b)      $invalid flag states that form has invalid data.

c)      Both of the above.

d)      None of the above.

17.  What is MVC?

a)      MVC is name of an algorithm.

b)      MVC is a software design pattern for developing web applications.

c)      MVC is a software technique to optimize web application performance.

d)      None of the above.

18.  The field has not been modified yet is known as

a)      $untouched

b)      $dirty

c)      $pristine

d)      $valid

19.  The field has been modified is known as

a)      $untouched

b)      $dirty

c)      $pristine

d)      $valid

20.  AngularJS directives are extended HTML attributes with the prefix_____

a)      ng-

b)      $$

c)      {{ }}

d)      None of these

21.  AngularJS expressions can be written

a)      ng-expression

b)      $expression$

c)      {{ expression}}

d)      None of these

22.  Which of the followings are validation directives?

a)       ng-required

b)      ng-minlength

c)      ng-pattern

d)      All of these


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